EU FMD Serialization
As a leader in the pharmaceutical traceability market, TrackTraceRx offers a state of the art, user friendly and intuitive, and cost efficient solution for clients within the entire pharmaceutical supply chain. Whether you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, repackager or dispenser, TrackTraceRx has a solution that fits your needs, and your budget!
Feature Rich EU FMD Serialization Software
• Integrate to the EU HUB
• Create your GS1 2D DataMatrix code
• Serialize your product
• Unique Identifier for verification
• Master data development
• Trading partner Integration
• Reporting
• Trading Partner License Management
• ERP/WMS Integration
• Line Management System or Edge Integration
• Quarantine Audit Support
• API Access
100% Automation
Our goal has been to create a solution that is completely automated. With our integrated network, we are able to process millions of transactions with 100% automation and allow you focus on what you do what you do best.
Integrated EMVO Network
TrackTraceRx has spent the last 10 years integrating with top pharmaceutical companies creating a network of interchangeable traceability environment between your suppliers and vendors. Companies that join will automatically become integrated on the TrackTraceRx Integrated Network (TTRxIN).
Exceptional Support & Training
TrackTraceRx is the ONLY EU FMD solution provider that will call and onboard EVERY one of your Trading partners. We will dedicate a person to call every one of your trading partners and make sure they are sending you the correct compliance data.
Our system is so simple to use, TrackTraceRx will host unlimited and free training sessions.